
My research integrates genomics, landscape ecology, and conservation biology in the context of human habitat alteration and rapid environmental change. Using a combination of field, lab, and computational approaches, I pursue questions rooted in ecological and evolutionary theory which have clear conservation applications and bridge the “research implementation gap” between science and policy.

Broadly, my work centers on two topics: (1) Genetic mechanisms underlying eco-evolutionary processes (2) Factors influencing population persistence in natural and human-altered environments

Global climate change will soon outpace habitat loss as the leading threat to biodiversity. Wildlife populations experiencing rapid environmental change can rely upon three adaptive mechanisms to avoid extirpation. Individuals can rely upon (1) their dispersal ability to track suitable habitat; (2) behavioral or phenotypic plasticity at ecologically relevant traits; and (3) rapid evolution toward new adaptive optima. My research spans all three of these mechanisms, with a particular emphasis on the latter two (phenotypic plasticity and rapid evolution) which are genetically mediated.


Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Forester B, Lama TM (2022) “The role of genomics in the future of ESA decision-making.”* The Codex of the Endangered Species Act: The Next Fifty Years –Volume II. Edited by Lowell E. Baird and John Organ, Rowman & Littlefield, July 2022, pp. 1-33. doi:10.32942/osf.io/b6rf4
  2. Cardoza JE, Lama TM, Mawdsley JR, Organ JF (2022) “Canada lynx” Wild Furbearer Management and Conservation in North America. Edited by Timothy Hiller, Publisher, January 2023, pp. 1-31.
  3. Dahn HA, et al. (2022) Benchmarking ultra-high molecular weight DNA preservation methods for long-read and long-range sequencing. Gigascience. 2022 Jun; 0:1-13. DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giac068
  4. Moreno Santillan D, Lama TM, et al. (2021) Large-scale sampling reveals unique immunity and metabolic adaptations in bats. Molecular Ecology. 2021 Jun; 30:6449–6467.
  5. Rhie A, et al. (2021) Towards complete and error-free genome assemblies of all vertebrate species. Nature. 2021 Apr; 592 (7856):737-46.
  6. Organ JF, Decker TA, and Lama TM (2016) The North American model and captive cervid facilities: what is the threat? Wildlife Society Bulletin. 40: 10-13 DOI: 10.1002/wsb.63
  7. Glinka CO, Frasca S, Provatas AA, Lama TM, DeGuise S and Bosker T (2015) The effects of model androgen 5α-dihydrotestosterone on mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) reproduction under different salinities. Aquatic Toxicology, 165: 266-276.
  8. Organ JF, Decker DJ, Stevens SS, Lama TM and Doyle-Capitman C (2014) Public Trust Principles and Trust Administration Functions in the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation: Contributions of Human Dimensions Research, Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal, 19(5): 407-416

In Preparation

  1. Lama TM, Davalos LM, Borries C, Smaers JB. (2022) Lessons from small mammals: Lifespan allometries unveil the keys to exceptional longevity. In Prep.
  2. Morales AE, Lama TM, Davalos LM, Hiller M (2022) Insights into immunity and viral tolerance are revealed through high-quality genomes of coronavirus reservoir bats. In Prep.

Non-Refereed Publications

  1. Lama TM (2019) New Genome Powers Canada Lynx Research & Conservation Efforts. Massachusetts Wildlife, 68(4): 22-25. Print.
  2. Zarco D, Ilardo BS, Soriano L, Lama TM, Kleinman-Ruiz D, Godoy JA (2021) Report on the genetic monitoring of Iberian lynx reintroduction in Vale do Guadiana (2016-2020). Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas.